Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wembley 2009

Yet another disappointing result, but Ruby enjoyed her trip to Wembley. She made this collage of the best bits (i.e. before the game kicked off!)
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

77 miles this week

Back on with the training, although some bicycle maintenance I attempted resulted in a broken chain and some badly aligned gears, so onto the old bike for a change - a bit of a lump compared to my carbon fibre beauty - still plenty of miles pedalled and starting to feel a bit fitter again.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Here's the sculptures that I have made on my night school course so far. The top piece has been accepted for an exhibition! What this has got to do with cycling is anyone's guess, I suppose I might break my hand if I fell off, and the middle two pieces might represent the progressive deterioration of a certain part of my anatomy after 300 miles in the saddle...
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11 Miles this week

Bit of a rubbish week for cycling, although the Giro makes good viewing, especially in the Dolomites. Lance seems to be carrying a few extra pounds, something I can certainly identify with at the moment.

The picture of our ultimate destination was taken by my brother-in-law. He's got a website and I'm trying to persuade him to take some action shots on the bike - he should be available for commissions!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Miles this week - Big Fat Zero

Just back from a week in Mallorca, which was full of cyclists, but not me. The only pedalling I did was on a pedalo, although I did maintain a high cadence throughout - much to the amusement of the kids!

A large number of the cyclists I saw seemed to spend most of their time sitting in bars and cafes in their cycling gear. I think London to Paris may involve a fair bit of that.

Did manage a fairly intense walk with some steep climbs and some very impressive overhanging cliffs - see photo - the GPS of the climb is here -

Hopefully back on the bike Wednesday - just the small matter of the play off semi-final second leg tomorrow night - COME ON YOU BLADES!

Friday, May 1, 2009

37 Miles this week

Bit of a poor effort, but time is pressing this week. Trying to sort out some prizes for the quiz at the University. Paul rejected the photos of me as a scrawny teenager as being inappropriate, but I may post them on here for a bit of a laugh if there's any interest.