Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Were Right About That Saddle

The title of this blog comes from the old yellow pages ad where the young boy is desperate for a new racing bike and his tough northern dad tells him he can't have one - "look at that saddle - like sitting on a razor blade". There's a happy ending though - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMYZyUygW6Y

Monday, February 23, 2009

50 Miles This Week

This Saturday went out for a ride with Martin Tobin and Dave Steveley. At the end of March we are taking part in the Cheshire Cat sportive - 102 miles with the famous Killer Mile at Mow Cop to contend with (see piccie!) The pub looks very appealing, but if you stop there, you'll never get going again. Fortunately there won't be any hills like that between London and Paris. It's all good preparation. The bad weather of the last few weeks has left us short of practice, so we packed as many hills in as we could. It hurt! You can view the route here http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/7684206

THE BIG 4-0!!!

It was my 40th on Sunday, so on Saturday night we held a Ceilidh at the University. Kirsty and Pat secretly organised a quiz and a raffle with some fab prizes donated by friends and family.

Carluccios (http://www.carluccios.com/caffes/default.asp?func=where&caffe_id=44&region=54) gave some stuff for a hamper,.

Paul's Organic Food (http://www.soyfoods.co.uk/index2.htm) donated a veg. box.

Venture Portraits (http://www.thisisventure.co.uk/) gave a voucher and some fund raising forms.

On the night we raised £312 for Christian Aid.

The Greenshoots Ceilidh Orchestra provided the music and were brilliant. The dancing often descended into total chaos, much to the amusement of the band. I would recommend them for any party http://www.green-shoots.org.uk/. Sunday morning I felt bad, not sure if it was the previous day's cycling, or whether that last pint was off. a drunk person wreaks havoc on the dancefloor during the ceilidh